Regional labor leader slain in Honduras
Monday, September 12, 2005; Posted: 10:50 a.m. EDT (14:50 GMT)
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) -- A regional labor leader was ambushed and shot to death in Honduras, police said Monday.
Gunmen hit Francisco Cruz Galeano with 25 bullets on Sunday as he was driving away from a bar in the town of Ojo de Agua with a friend, who also was seriously wounded.
The motive for the killing was not immediately clear.
Cruz headed the regional offices of the General Workers Confederation for the provinces of Intibuca and Comayagua. He was in the town 60 miles (100 kilometers) north of Tegucigalpa to install power lines for his employer, the state electricity company.
"The killers waited for Cruz Galeano for many hours because in the brush where they waited we found remains of food," said police spokesman Ricardo Ramirez.

Ricardo Maduro, Honduran President, and Bushes