I was thinking the same thing, and I've never even been to New Orleans. But it's a symbol to me of the best aspects of our culture, the ones more influenced by African Americans, the French, the Cajuns. William Carlos Williams once wrote an essay on what America would be like if the Indian-loving French with a culture more rooted in nature and beauty had beat out the cold-hearted British Puritans. New Orleans was like an exemplar of that wish--with its music and its Mardi Gras. And its music, and its Mardi Gras, and its languages, and its ancient beauty are essential components of our national cultural heritage, and are largely expressions of the creative spirit of the poor and the black, and exist, to a great extent, within the communities that were dispersed by the storm and by Bushite cruel policy--that is, that precious cultural heritage exists within living people, who should be encouraged to reconnect with each other, return to New Orleans and restore their communities.
The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee held a roundtable hearing last week where this very thing was discussed: how to restore the communities and cultures of NO and the Gulf coast.
I suggest you write to this Committee, and get others who know and love NO culture to write to them, and work with the ranking Democrat--Sen. Edward Kennedy--to save as much as we can, and to push aid and restoration in the right directions. Write to
Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions
Email: katrina_comments@help.senate.gov
Web site:
http://help.senate.gov/And cc Sen. Kennedy.
Work needs to be done to contact dispersed communities and help people to return--and perhaps his staff can help with this. And work needs to be done to get funding, for instance, for a new WPA cultural project to preserve and restore NO culture, and I'm thinking of the funding of current, living musicians and artists, and also oral historians (to chronicle the storm and what was there BEFORE the storm).
Yes, the Bushites are making all the wrong decisions, and have their own devious, greedy purposes. But they are very weak right now. They are being reviled for their behavior by a wide spectrum of people--not just for Katrina, but also for the Iraq war and other wretched policies. And we might be able to get some goals of the funding right. It's very, very important that the goals and principles of funding be set on the right path. Because the Bushites have only 2 years of diminishing power left. And it's going to take decades to restore NO and the Gulf coast.
See my letter (sent to Senate H.E.L.P. Committee). They are setting priorities NOW. They are setting the goals NOW. Don't be silent!
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x4735625(Note: There was a deadline of 9/11 for input to the H.E.L.P. roundtable, but it was extended once, for more input, and I would just ignore that deadline, and continue writing to Kennedy and the other Senators on that Committee. This will be an on-going process for some time. This was just the earliest opportunity to influence funding priorities.)