protesters gathered at Melbourne Airport early on Thursday where they say American man Scott Parkin has already been taken through to immigration before being deported from Australia.
Waving signs saying "Thanks for your non-violence, Scott" and "Peace is the Word", the protesters are hoping to get access to Mr Parkin before he is forced to leave. ...
Mr Parkin is a member of the Houston Global Awareness Collective which aims to end the US-led war in Iraq.
While in Australia, he has taken part in rallies against the Forbes conference in Sydney, a protest outside the Sydney headquarters of US multinational corporation Halliburton, and conducted workshops on non-violent protest and trends in grassroots activism.
also ... 4 articles in The Australian, 10 in The Age, and lots more in other Australian newspapers, I just listed our 3 most prestigious.
I was pleased to notice an article by a famous Australian barrister, Julian Burnside, about this incident used to start a thread yesterday.
However, instead of people showing interest in the way Patriot Act type laws can be used to silence dissent, 2 posters labelled it Bullshit, and it was dropped. If people are going to let such posters cover up information like this here, moderators should really be keeping an eye on what is going on. I'm sure you are all aware of the way infiltraters can be used, and you don't have to be new to be one.
Scott, btw, was arrested while drinking coffee, and locked up without trial, at his own expense, in a detention centre for illegal immigrants, one of the detainment camps Australia is infamous for, and sent back to America, also at his own expense.
I don't know how Americans view a country treating one of their own in this manner, but I for one am furious. As our Bush-adoring Prime Minister generally appears value the opinion of Americans more than he does that of Australians, I suggest anyone who feels the way I do use the following site to email him. to comply with Heading rule