-ing corporate news monopolies were permitting a bit of criticism of Bush to surface (mostly re Katrina, but also, just before Katrina, Cindy Sheehan).
What I was thinking was that, since Bush has spent most of his bought and paid for, Diebold/ES&S-engineered political capital, and is now pretty much a used up, useless, lamebrained, basket-case puppet, they need an efficient, competent War Democrat in there, to run a better war in the Middle East, get a Draft (more cannon fodder needed, and Bush cannot get that done), run the breadlines at home, put down the food riots, throw a sop or two to the masses (like NOT looting Social Security), consolidate their enormous financial and legal gains, and start taking some of the rap for the long term impacts of this fascist debacle, to pave the way for Jeb in '12.
But now I'm thinking it's because U.S.-based global corporate predators and their bankers are starting to hurt, due to the utter mismanagement of everything the Bush Cartel has touched.
I was thinking, about the Iraq war, they've really reached the limit of looting us there (and looting the Iraqis). That's why they quote unquote "bungled" Katrina--to justify more billions to Halliburton, Bechtel, Fluor & Co.
But this infusion of billions of NON-EXISTENT dollars into the pockets of the few is the last squeeze of the lemon.
With several million homeless and jobless from the hurricane alone, on top of the outsourcing of millions and millions of manufacturing jobs and manufacturing facilities, on top of gas prices at $3-4/per, on top of other skyrocketing energy costs, on top of credit card debt with no bankruptcy mercy permitted any more--and on and on and on--the "golden goose" is dead. They have killed the American middle class, and, with it, the American dollar. And the vultures are circling--and already feasting.
So I may have erred on the war side of what they want a War Democrat to do. Somebody HAS TO start taxing the rich (reverse some of their tax cuts). And THAT will be their strategy for imposing Jeb in '12.
U.S. forces will hole up in their 10-15 permanent U.S. bases in Iraq, and hunker down for a while--as the War Democrat tries to stabilize the economy. At the moment, the U.S. cannot really afford to rebuild this large chunk of our country that was blown off the map. It's going to be a further hardship on the poor and middle class, who can't really take any more. The war profiteering corporate news monopolies will try to help us all "forget" Bush and his war--and the projected trillion dollar deficit that he and his Cartel alone are responsible for--and concentrate on retaining as much of their piggish tax cuts that they can. And when the War Democrats get things stabilized, they will be blamed for how they had to do it--cutting more programs, raising taxes--and the Cartel will then come in for this kill, with Diebold and ES&S installing Jeb, to choruses of "It was the tax and spend liberals again!"
I can hear it now.
That is, if we don't get smart, and throw these Bushite-controlled election theft machines, with their SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code, into 'Boston Harbor'--or a Louisiana levee.