Almost every day I'm seeing some 100 here, or 200 there, a group of children, or just an un-named gathering of folks, blown-up by suicide bombers! Yet, where's the "outrage" here in this country?
How can you read the daily paper, see all these killings, and NOT have it affect you, as an American? There seems to be something much larger going-on than anyone in government is willing to admit! If Saddam had as many Iraqis killed almost daily as we're seeing over there right now, he'd be considered more of the "madman" than he currently is...yet there seem to be no answers as to the "why" of these daily massacres.
I just feel a great sense of confusion, and one automatically assumes that we opened-up the worst pandoras box imaginable when we invaded these historic lands. Might it have been that Iraq was/is un-governable by "western-democratic-standards"? It's obvious that the "revolution" coming to Iraq was way too premature. Revolution comes from within, not without, thus the "why" of what we're seeing over there now.
When we trumped-up those false charges of WMD and showed Colin Powell holding up a bottle of Anthrax, as justification for "invasion", I had a sick feeling in my stomach b/c I knew we were "lying" (and I don't use that word lightly!); It was too obvious that it was a ruse, our pouncing on what is essentially a 3rd-world country! Sure, Saddam probably did have some kind of weapons that could produce destruction, but nothing like what has since transpired in his country since his removal! They had a few "scud" missiles that they feebly attempted to use in their defense, and which ironically narrowly missed Central Command in Qatar during the invasion.
I don't know, I'm just sick-and-tired of seeing ordinary Iraqi's (innocent young men, women, children) being blown-up---especially since we're supposed to be bringing them "democracy"! It's a "crime-against-humanity" to not have a world-forum immediately dispatched to deal with this genocide! But, we "went-it-alone", so we can hardly cry now for a "world-forum"!
As an ordinary American, I'm sick-of-it, just sick! Mainly for the Iraqis! Everyone drives around in their gass-guzzling SUV with a "Support-Out-Troops" sticker, bought at 7/11, and made in China, while our cousins, brothers, and children in Iraq are dying! What about the children in Iraq? I support them,...and the women,and the young men, and the old men, and the old women. What about them? They don't have the benefit of an M-16, body armor, and MR-E's! I support them!
And God only knows how to resolve this...God only knows! But, if you look at history, it should be no surprise. An un-just war will never,NEVER make "justice"! Look at Vietnam as a classic example! Or the countless other "un-justified wars".If this was a "just war", we wouldn't be seeing ordinary women and children being blown-up everyday! God help us make some kind of "sense" out of this utter "non-sense'.
Idea just dawned on me! Let's use Saddam Hussein as a "tool" for law and order! Apparently he was the only leader who was able to maintain some sense of "peace" in broader Iraq! So, instead of commencing a "trial-of-death" for him, let's use him as a tool to "gather-his-people" and issue a decree of "peace-and-restraint", in exchange for "negating-the-death-penalty" in his case; We could place him under "life-arrest" only, if he'll help restore order in Iraq! Of course that won't work, you know whey? B/C the United States would have to admit that it made a huge mistake, it would "legitimize" Saddam as a "leader", and it would make the US look bad! But you know what, it would be the "right-thing-to-do" to honor life, help restore order, and to bring some kind of "healing to Iraq"!
It's also something tangible that we could do, actually! Oh, but such a maneuver would be against everything the US military and US governement "poses" to stand for...it would expose the "lie" that rushed-us-in-there, as a coalition-of-the-handful, while the rest of the world said, "no, this is not the way to handle this conflict"! And all the while Iran turns Uranian into weapons-grade plutonium!No, we need honesty and leadership! If you're tired of seeing Iraqis blown up daily, then demand some real "honesty and leadership" from Washington, and some redress from former mistakes!