salin's note - I am skipping around a bit in the excerpts - because this is the head's up that the story is about to get bigger - Anyone interested at following the corruption - and the view of the GOP of govt money as a big pot for them to dip into for personal gain - read this and start following this story. It should serve as a road map for what are likely hundreds of stories waiting to be uncovered around the country.
Note also - that the Cincinnati Enquirer was very slow to be critical of Taft as this story started to unfold. Their shift in position of tone of the stories carried signifies a recognition that something is far past "wrong", and far more than "business as usual" in Columbus.Agency's investing faulted
Report: Worker's comp fund handled poorlyBy Jon Craig
Enquirer Columbus Bureau
COLUMBUS - The state insurance fund for injured workers would be nearly $1 billion wealthier today had it invested more conservatively over the past decade, an outside consultant's report shows.
Accountant Richard Ennis wrote that the $14 billion insurance fund is intact. But the firm could find no basis whatsoever to support last spring's announcement by former BWC administrators that the fund had an average annual return of more than 16 percent since 1995.
"It's got all the earmarks of a criminal conspiracy. Everything was so meticulously covered up," Sen. Marc Dann, a Youngstown attorney, said Friday. "I'll leave that to the prosecutors to make those determinations.
"Where in the world were the auditors?" Dann asked. "You don't cover things up unless you know they are wrong to begin with."