(Another Lawless proposal from the * WH, i.e. Opposite world)
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, September 20, 2005; Page A21
Everyone agrees that the nation's fisheries management system needs an overhaul. The question is how. Yesterday the Bush administration took a stab at the problem, sending legislation to Capitol Hill that would create a free-market approach to regulating commercial fishing and revamp the way the government treats depleted fish stocks. Its plan would also collect more scientific and economic data on commercial and recreational fishing.
"Fixing our fisheries is one of the highest priorities for the president," said James L. Connaughton, who chairs the White House Council on Environmental Quality. "There's now a strong consensus to get serious once and for all about this."
The administration's bill would be the biggest change in fisheries management in a decade. It aims to double by 2010 the number of "dedicated access privileges" programs, which allocate shares of each fishery to individual fishermen, who can then can buy and sell their shares. In Alaska, for example, fishermen are granted a portion of the allowed halibut catch and can trade these quotas among themselves; in most U.S. fisheries, regulators govern the annual catch by limiting how many days fishermen operate and how much they collect each trip.
The system has been popular among many Alaska fishermen. Mark Lundsten, a Seattle-based fisheries consultant who caught halibut and black cod for 27 years in Alaska, said the region's market-based rules made halibut fishing "sensibly sustainable" because fishermen could meet their quota over a longer period of time rather than rushing to catch fish in foul weather.
(more at link above)