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Mental Health Bill 'to cause thousands to be detained' (UK)

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Lori Price CLG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-20-05 11:55 AM
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Mental Health Bill 'to cause thousands to be detained' (UK)
Mental Health Bill 'to cause thousands to be detained'

Nine times as many people as first thought will be forced to undergo compulsory mental health treatment under planned reforms in England and Wales, a new study claims.

The draft Mental Health Bill proposes allowing patients to be made to take medication and detained if necessary. The King's Fund study said that in 15 years as many as 13,000 could be placed under such orders, rather than the Government's 1450 figure. But the Government said the "flawed" study produced incorrect estimates. The bill was first introduced in 2002.

Under the 1983 Mental Health Act patients can be sectioned, but only if their condition is treatable. The new bill, which received 2000 objections when it was first unveiled, proposes allowing people to be forcibly treated to protect the public.


Lori Price
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woodsprite Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-20-05 11:59 AM
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1. I see Blair is following right along in Bushies footsteps. n/t
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Selteri Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-20-05 12:08 PM
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2. Take this pill citizen. Disagreeing with the government is an obvious
mental illness. We don't care if you feel like a zombie, you must be mentally unbalanced to not like what our government is doing. We're only trying to _help_ you!
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baby_mouse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-20-05 01:11 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. Oh stop being so childish

Yes, yes, very "satirical" I suppose, but don't you see that there is a genuine phenomenon of pathological obsession with the government bordering on psychosis? I mean, you've got to admit that these people are a danger to themselves and others. I mean, the government can't reasonably be wrong about so many differnt things, can they? I mean, it's statistics. I mean, it's just probability. It's just not possible for a government to be that bad, statistically. If you look at previous statistics there has never been so much criticism of a government.

It must be some sort of mental illness epidemic. Spread by propaganda web-sites.

So, we *have* to cure them.

And if you think we're wrong, you must be one of THEM.
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Betsy Ross Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-20-05 12:40 PM
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3. But if you ask for mental health help
I'm sorry but you have to pay for that yourself.
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