Outsider Arnold is fast becoming a Sacramento Insiderby Daniel Weintraub, Sacramento Bee
Tuesday October 14, 2003 02:30 PM
dweintraub@sacbee.com (916) 321-1914
The influence of former California Gov. Pete Wilson (Republican) on Schwarzenegger's team is evident. It is heavy on establishment figures and almost devoid of anyone who has been known to challenge the status quo.
Outsider Arnold's first moves are to the inside
Daniel Weintraub, Sacramento Bee, October 14, 2003
For a man who ran as an outsider vowing to shake up Sacramento, Arnold Schwarzenegger's first moves as governor-elect are making him look like very much the insider.
Two nights after celebrating his election with a promise to end "politics as usual," Schwarzenegger jetted to Sacramento for a cocktail party with lobbyists, legislators and longtime fixers -- including Willie Brown, the former Democrat speaker of the state Assembly.
Brown, who is soon to retire as San Francisco's mayor, also was one of the headliners on Schwarzenegger's 68-person transition committee, which the new governor had announced earlier in the day.
The list won praise for its diversity, and diverse it was, in a sense. It included Republicans and Democrats, a good balance of men and women, and people of all ethnicities and races.
But in another sense the team is not diverse at all. Almost everyone on it is either already part of government, has been part of government or has worked in close proximity to it as a lobbyist or public affairs expert for a trade or professional association. While it also included people from the business community, most of them were also safe choices from Old California, not cutting-edge executives likely to have a fresh take and new ideas.
The team appears to have been put together by aides to Schwarzenegger's political mentor, former Gov. Pete Wilson. It is heavy on establishment figures and almost devoid of anyone who has been known to challenge the status quo. If these are the people on whom Schwarzenegger is depending to recommend the "best and the brightest" for his administration, he risks surrounding himself with the Republican flip side to Gray Davis -- incrementalists who will be cautious to a fault.