By ELIZABETH WHITE, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan pledged Wednesday to "force change to happen" during protest speeches outside the White House and Capitol.
Sheehan arrived in Washington after a three-week cross-country bus tour that began near President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. She is expected to participate in an anti-Iraq war rally Saturday that organizers hope could draw tens of thousands of people.
Gold Star Families for Peace, which was co-founded by Sheehan, planned to begin airing television ads that would run on CNN in Washington and the Fox News Channel nationwide for several weeks, beginning Thursday.
The group Win Without War purchased ads for Thursday's editions of 14 newspapers, including The Washington Post, The Denver Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer and USA Today.;_ylt=AugrmnVM6vZYw4ErQwKD9l6s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MjBwMWtkBHNlYwM3MTg-