Renzi wants patrol to peer into Mexico
Billy House
Republic Washington Bureau
Sept. 22, 2005 12:00 AM
WASHINGTON - Rep. Rick Renzi, R-Ariz., says state-of-the-art military technology should be employed to help the U.S. Border Patrol peer into Mexico to locate and track the movements of immigrants, smugglers and potential terrorists before they cross the border.
Aerostat balloons, equipped with night-vision capabilities and other intelligence equipment, already are in use by the Defense Department in various other regions, Renzi said in an interview Wednesday.
Such technology should similarly aid federal authorities at the border to actually look into Mexico, Renzi said. advertisement
But Rafael Laveaga, a spokesman for the Mexican Embassy here, warned Wednesday that such an idea "could be in conflict with Mexican law." He said Mexico's Constitution does not permit police activity by agencies of other nations, unless done with the cooperation of the Mexican government.
Einstein, Bush, and Renzi.