Government officals understand that. Which is why making the call for evacuations is so hard to do. They want to be "sure".. and you just can't.
I'm seeing "If it saves Lives... so what". Yes, that is part of it. But if you evacuated and lost 4 days of work.. How are you going to pay your bills? Business can NOT afford to pay people wages if no work/sales/whatever isn't happening.
So you have the pay check issue. You also have the Business aspect of it.
A REAL procedure needs to be in place. Levels of evacuations or something. If there is a possiblity of a "hit", start moving hospital patients, etc. The closer the storm gets, the more likely the route will be known. So another level of evactuations start. Etc, etc, etc.
Sounds expensive.. it is. But It would also be life saving. Moving out persons who CAN leave without effecting the economy, etc.. much, much sooner.. will also mean less people on the roads, etc.
One of the reasons people don't just leave unless they have to is because of money. They have to get a hotel, etc. Evacuatoins MUST come with SHELTERS set up elsewhere. And the information KNOWN!
Good grief, some places don't want to even open up shelters until the LAST MINUTE! Open up the dang things EARLY so that those that are retired, etc.. can go ahead and get off the road!
There are people who can NOT leave until the last minute. Gas stations, etc. They and their family are STUCK if a traffic jam happens.
Another words.. Evacuations can work... if a REAL system is set up. Which includes early evacuations for some people. Early opening of Shelters so people have a place to go. Make the whole system as affordable and with less strain on the local economy. If they do that, then the local government wouldn't be so worried about calling evacuations.