The things which are dear to Pombo's heart are closest to home, specifically his ranch in Northern California.
For example, when the National Park Service tried to keep an easement Pombo had given to a railroad, Pombo led the charge in Congress to write a law about it.
I forget what hacked Pombo off so bad about the Endangered Species Act, but he hates it. He also issn't shy about playing dirty pool.
In Congress, when you want to screw someone over, you name the title of your bill the exact opposite of what it really is. If you want to relax regulations for polluters, you call your bill the Clear Skies Act. When you want to spy on your own citizens, you call it the USA Patriot Act.
And when Pombo wants to rip the enforcement provisions out of ESA, as he does every year, he calls his bill the Threatened and Endangered Species Recovery Act.'s been tossing this bill up ever since he got his job as Chairman of the House Resources Committee.
Oh, one more thing which should be of no surprise to anybody. Pombo is one of the larger Congressional beneficiaries of Jack Abramoff's dirty money.
It should come as no surprise because the House Resources Committee has jurisdiction over affairs relating to Indian tribes. Anyone familiar with Abramoff understands why Indian tribes are considered to be a resource by Congress.