Up from HAROON SIDDIQUI of The Toronto Star.
Missing links in Martin manifesto
Problem is, we are a trading nation but not a nation of traders.
With the U.S. next door, we don't explore new markets. Attempts by Pierre Trudeau to diversify to the Pacific and Europe failed. That's why Martin talked mostly about selling "oil, gas and nuclear." Expect a new push to sell reactors and get tankers lining up on the West Coast.
He didn't talk about what can get us the biggest breakthrough: the Chinese and Indian diasporas here — 1 million strong each, educated and entrepreneurial.
Overall, Martin's message is clear: The future will belong to those who can deal across cultures, races and religions, both at home and abroad. Monocultural, even bicultural, individuals, businesses and public institutions will fall by the wayside.
http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1127512214078&call_pageid=970599109774&col=Columnist969907621513Unfortunately the limitations that NAFTA imposes upon energy, will limit the possible foreign investment in that area, but with Martin's consensus type approach to politics it seems to me that we will have to wait for those investments to be held over the head of the respective premier(s) in order to have them removed.