This is a Zogby poll conducted by University of Miami. Looks like B* the Uniter has struck out again!!!
A sweeping survey of professional-class citizens across Latin America found great disregard for President Bush and Fidel Castro and Venezuela's Hugo Chávez, with solid support for the leadership of Brazil's Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Chile's Ricardo Lagos.
Overall, 45 percent of the respondents from the six countries expressed dissatisfaction with democracy, while 48 percent said they were satisfied with how it works in their country.
U.S. President George W. Bush fared even worse in the opinions of the respondents. When asked the question, ''How would you rate President George W. Bush's job performance concerning Latin America?'' only 12 percent of the respondents gave him a positive rating, with 87 percent giving him a negative rating.
Bush's standing was lowest in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, each of which gave him a negative rating exceeding 90 percent.