October 27, 2003 THE WORLD
Attack Is a Media Coup for Iraq Resistance, Experts Say
By Alissa J. Rubin, Times Staff Writer
BAGHDAD — The assault on the Rashid Hotel by Iraqi resistance fighters Sunday was designed to grab attention by flaunting their ability to inflict casualties on U.S. soldiers and civilians, even those ensconced within the most secure compound in Iraq, according to terrorism experts and law enforcement officials in Baghdad.
The onslaught, in which one U.S. colonel was killed and 15 people were wounded, did not cause as many casualties as previous attacks on other high-profile targets in the capital. But it exhibited the growing sophistication of the opposition's tactics and raised hard questions about whether it would be possible to stem such attacks.
Early today, the resistance struck again, detonating an ambulance packed with explosives at the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross. A U.S. military official said that at least 10 people were killed in the attack.
Toby Dodge, a terrorism expert at the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, called the attack on the Rashid "a coup for the guys who did it."
"Politically, it shows people that they can deploy at will…. By attacking the most famous landmark in the compound, they are saying, 'We rule the streets. You don't,' " he said. (snip/...)