Unions Anticipate Grocery Strikes In Northern California In 2004
SACRAMENTO -- A grocery store strike in Los Angeles that has idled 70,000 workers and inconvenienced millions of shoppers could be the precursor to similar strikes throughout the state in the coming year, union representatives say.
Representatives from the United Food and Commercial Workers union say they anticipate supermarket chains will attempt similar cutbacks on Sacramento-area employees when their contracts expire in July and on Bay Area employees next September.
"Whatever happens down here, happens up there," said Tami Lewis, a representative from UFCW Local 588 in Northern California, who went to Orange County to assist with the strike. "It's going to be ugly."
Local 588 represents 28,000 workers from Modesto to the Oregon border. The union is getting ready to take on the companies.
"If we see the same (contract) offer in July that is in Southern California, I can virtually guarantee there will be a strike," said Adam Loveall, the local's legal affairs director.