A high-ranking Saudi Arabian official visited Portland on Monday, working to repair the post-Sept. 11 image of his country with examples of how it has changed and how it cooperates with the United States.
Saudi Arabia has been a U.S. ally for about 70 years, Adel Al-Jubeir said, and his country was in shock when it learned that 15 of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers were Saudis. After shock came denial, he said, and then introspection as the country began to look at conditions that allowed al-Qaida to recruit Saudis for the suicide missions.
"We decided we were going to deal with the issues at hand," said Al-Jubeir.
Al-Jubeir is the foreign affairs adviser to the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, approximately the equivalent of national security adviser Condoleeza Rice in the United States. He spoke to more than 100 people at a luncheon sponsored by the Portland Regional Chamber and the World Affairs Council of Maine, and also met with the editorial board of the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram.
http://www.pressherald.com/news/local/031028saudi.shtmlHe also said this: "Osama bin Laden is as much a Muslim as Jim Jones and the (Ku Klux Klan) are Christian,"