It will be a last CIA shot over the bow of the Bush administration, or it will be L' affaire Plame, part le deuxieme.
If that happens, I will be making a bet on Impeachment within a month before the third wave breaks and the backlash starts. Because at this point as I see it, the Pentagon, State, and the CIA all hate Bush. Whither then, oh Goddess, shall they stand?
In either case, big ugly is going to go down behind the scenes. Dusty skeletons are rattling closet doors, looking for air. The Kennedy assasination (regardless of who doneit) is a preparatory meme, to attenuate the public for the real killer story. I suspect it will be one that ties a ribbon around the years from the 50's to 9-11, included in that ribbon will be at least two generations of Bush neck and a familial pattern of skulduggery. Remember what Nixon said about Babs.
But of course, I am a tin foil hatter.