hosted Ramadan dinner at White House mired in Islam controversy
WASHINGTON (AFP) - George W. Bush hosted a Ramadan dinner with US Islamic leaders, as the White House was besieged with demands to fire an army general whom made comments some say makes the US-led war on terror out to be a war on Islam.
"Americans think terrorists are evil people who have hijacked a great religion," Bush said, responding to a reporter's question.
"It is highly likely that Bush himself, a genuinely devout Christian by all accounts, agrees with at least some, perhaps much, of what Boykin said," the Post speculated.
"Muslims are completely wrong to think that the US is engaged in a war against Islam," New York Times columnist Paul Krugman said. "But that misperception flourishes in part because the domestic political strategy of the Bush administration -- no longer able to claim the Iraq (news - web sites) war was a triumph, and with little but red ink to show for its economic plans -- looks more and more like a crusade."
uh, bushie, dear, you made a little comment there that may be true, but i think you've pointed out something that most of us haven't been able to put into words until now:
"Americans think right-wingers are evil people who have hijacked a great religion."