An article by Galloway declaring his intention to stand against "new" labour.,3604,1073786,00.htmlNew Labour's hallmark policies are now war and privatisation. Its leaders have stained Britain's name and endangered our citizens with its bloody aggression against Iraq. The faction in control of the party has repeatedly demonstrated its growing intolerance of internal dissent and debate.
I will now seek to challenge New Labour at the polls. In the European elections next June, I will be part of a list - in a proportional representation contest - which will seek to unify the red, green, anti-war, Muslim and other social constituencies radicalised by the war, in a referendum on Tony Blair.
We will not be a political party, but a coalition around which we hope many will rally - some perhaps only for the day, merely lending us their votes - to show the true colours of the British people. Who knows, maybe the results will be cathartic within the Labour party itself, and help to spark the long-heralded -and much to be hoped for - "reclaiming" of the party by those with Labour's best interests and traditions at heart, notably the trade unions, who must play a central role. In the elections to the Greater London Authority, we plan to support that other Labour exile, Ken Livingstone, for mayor and run a full slate of candidates ourselves. There may be other electoral firefights - in my own Glasgow constituency or in other byelections.
But we will choose the time and place of any challenges to New Labour. It will be a war of movement rather than position. But on its eventual outcome much will turn. I said before he set out on the calamitous invasion of Iraq that it would be the political death of Tony Blair. His attack on the rights of MPs to speak freely and honestly is likely to be another nail in his prime ministerial coffin. "Blair out, Bush out": these will not only be the slogans around the country during a November to remember, the bonfire of their vanities. They may just be the political reality by the end of next year.