Democrats argue that the public is usually unaware of how much the Republican-controlled panel dictates the amendments or substitute bills that make it to the House floor and how those decisions ultimately determine law. Much of the majority party’s vast sway over the legislative process emanates from the 13-member panel.
“There is no major piece of legislation that goes to the House floor without the committee’s input and sometimes extensive manipulation,” Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) and the three other Rules Committee Democrats wrote to C-SPAN President and CEO Brian Lamb on Tuesday. “Giving the American people a chance to see this little known and little understood part of their democracy at work is crucial to C-SPAN’s mission.”
Although the House rules call for 24 hours’ notice of any committee meeting, Republican House leaders often convene the Rules Committee with a few hours’ notice under emergency proceedings. Many meetings occur after normal business hours to report out a rule swiftly so that a bill may move to the floor....
“We fully accept that it is often impractical for C-SPAN to cover meetings at, say, 1:30 a.m., even though such meetings may be of the utmost importance to the American people. Nonetheless, we hope that you and the C-SPAN network will make a greater effort to cover the House Rules Committee
,” wrote Slaughter and Reps. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.), Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) and Doris Matsui (D-Calif.).
“You see us get shut out, and unless we say something that’s bumper-sticker stuff none of you are doing substantial investigative undertakings,” he said. “It may be mundane and eyes may glaze over, but it is the pure, unadulterated substance of how this organization runs on behalf of the people. That’s a big story, and none of you are covering it.”