Sanctions, severed political ties, boycotts. Regardless of how
right you think it is, do you really think that Israel is doing itself a favor with its behavior?
Sharon's "little visit" to the Al-Aqsa mosque it was clear that Sharon's Israeli government was not much interested in bargaining. This was a big kiss-off to the international community who had tried to work for peace between the two sides and it marked a real and tangible turning point in the way the rest of the world viewed Israel.
Before Sharon, Israel's responses to Palestinian terror attacks were considered something of a necessary evil. No, nobody like reading reports of Israeli incursions into Palestine or the appreciable number of civilians killed. However, equally grotesque were reports and pictures of what a suicide bomber does to a bus-load of innocent civilians.
But while the Palestinians are generally tagged as being disorganized and corrupt the Israeli government oozes
organization in its behavior. Palestinian suicide bombers strap explosives to their bodies and sneak into military checkpoints or public places of business to kill and mame Israelis- they have no tanks, no jet fighters. Israelis do their killing from state-of-the-art helicopter gunships, tanks and whatever else the US lends them money to buy.
The world sees this, knows this disparity. They talk about it during smoke breaks, at dinner parties, waiting in line for movies, around the dinner table.
No human being on earth who is world-politics conscious is unaware of this situation and these aspects. It's starting to catch up with Israel now. Israel can't afford to completely ignore this world reaction and neither can you, Jim. Nor can you afford to call all anti-Israeli sentiment anti-semitic. Oh, granted, Israel's actions have given much-needed steam to what were once fringe groups of neo-nazis and that's not just bad for Jews everywhere- it's bad for Arabs, Indians, Americans- everyone.
As long as the Israeli government keeps this up it's going to get worse. And someday the U.S. won't veto another resolution against Israel's behavior. And then the sanctions will come and Israel will be in even bigger economic trouble than it already is.
I have no idea how it will end but it
will end. Get that straight- Israel's arrogantly destructive behavior
will end. It can either end on stage with two elected officials accepting Nobel Peace Prizes or in horror on top of horror and wars and slaughter.
You believe that Israel can continue doing whatever it pleases- but really, have you sat down to consider what the world opinion of Israel will be in 5, 10, 20 years if they keep electing conservative, militaristic governments with conservative, militaristic solutions to some very complex political problems?
When money from the United States dries up- and it will dry up sooner than you might think- what will Israel do then? Their are Israelis in bread lines in Israel rigth now- something I think which is very abhorrent to Jews who believe in the concept of Israel as a homeland where all Jews may prosper and be treated with respect. But when you have a conservative government with militaristic solutions to complex political problems you don't have nearly as much money to take care of the elderly and poor.
You're welcome to cheer their actions unconditionally and or feel detractors are anti-semitic. That's a great short term strategy for a polemic. But where's the long-term game plan? Where's the strategy that A) ensures that Israel is protected both economically and in a security sense in the long term B) ensures that Israel is a respected member of the world community C) ensures that Israel is an
example for the rest of the world?
None of these long-term goals are being achieved by their conservative government- nor do I believe they can be.