Closing the Guantánamo prison camp would accomplish little if the Bush junta continues to violate international humanitarian law at Abu Ghraib, Bagram and other torture chambers in the offshore network of gulags set up by this regime.
The important question is whether or not Bush and the neoconservatives are going to respect
international law and conventions which categorically prohibit torture and other forms of degrading and inhuman punishment or treatment of detainees. These conventions also prohibit the practice that Bush and his White House lawyers call "extraordinary rendition".
Time and time again, the indication from those in the Bush junta is that they have no intention of respecting international conventions. They have denied that what happens in Guantánamo and other detention centers is torture, at least not as long as they do it. They have relieved from command those reluctant to practice "aggressive" interrogation techniques. They have asserted that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to "terrorists." They assert the right to put to death any detainee found guilty in a procedure designed to look only superficially like a trial. They resist the oversight of Congress and any international body. They even assert that they are above any law, national or international.
The grand inquisitors in the Bush regime should be given another international body to resist: an international tribunal for war crimes in Iraq and crimes against humanity arising out of the so-called war on terror. While it is unlikely that international arrest warrants against Bush and his aides would have any direct effect in this country, the action could be supported by boycotts and divestment campaigns against US transnational corporations, especially those which have profited from the invasion of Iraq, and by diplomatic sanctions against the criminal suspects. Let's see if Mr. Bush and his aides can plan another imperialist misadventure like Iraq if at every foreign airport officers from Interpol are waiting to greet them as they get off the plane.