Border security backfire
Illegal immigrants afraid to visit hometowns
By Rachel Uranga, Staff Writer
LA Daily News
Beefed-up efforts to tighten the borders have failed to slow the flow of undocumented immigrants and are even discouraging illegal residents from returning to their home country, the author of a study released Tuesday found.
A Pew Hispanic Center study found that undocumented immigrants pour past U.S. borders at a rate of 850,000 a year. As they arrive, they are finding a receptive labor market and staying longer. About one out of seven workers in Los Angeles County is now undocumented, compared with about one in 20 nationwide, the study found.
"Once they come in, they are actually reluctant to leave," said Jeffrey Passel, author of the study for the Pew Hispanic Center. Beefed-up border patrols and increased security are having unintended results, deterring many from recrossing the border, he said. "The (U.S.) Border Patrol is actually helping to keep people in the United States, rather than out."
Using Census Bureau data, Pew researchers estimate that 11.5 million to 12 million undocumented immigrants now live in the United States, up from 11.1 million last year and 8.5 million in 2000. About one-third of them arrived within the past 10 years, and more than half are from Mexico.