other efforts to control women, to control sexuality, and to curtail individual freedom, civil rights and equal protection of the law, are at the heart of the extreme rightwing junta that has seized control of our government and almost all means of communication.
It has EVER BEEN the strategy of fascist juntas to control women and sexuality first, and THEN dissenting men. Fascists need cannon fodder and slave labor. That is the practical side of their agenda. But their desire to control and restrict women goes much deeper than that. They want to control, curb, narrow and channel the very force of life itself, to achieve power and profit for themselves. The word "dominionist" is no accidental term in their lexicon. It derives from the "Adam and Eve" story (i.e., God giving Adam "dominion" over the earth). It means, in essence, that a cabal of old powerful men will decide who gets to procreate, and will control not just lineage but all conditions of abundance, wealth, marriage and inheritance law, and how and under what circumstances women are owned as household slaves and the makers of SONS (daughters being matters of wealth only--the transference of wealth in dowries, and consequent alliances of wealth among men). Uncontrolled sexuality among individuals is simply not permitted, because passionate desire and coupling is the very engine of profit. Harnessing that force--the life force--is the heart of this fascist agenda.
How to fight and disempower this particular fascist junta is certainly a matter for discussion and prioritization. But WHOSE rights they are assaulting should not be prioritized in the way that you suggest--that women's rights and assaults on abortion law should be "very low" on anybody's "list."
We should never make that mistake--prioritizing civil and human rights. (We often make it on the rights of Arabs and Muslims--for instance, that the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis is somehow less important than the deaths of two-thousand, three hundred U.S. soldiers, or that the illegal detention and torture of Iraqis or Afghanis is somehow less important to us because they are foreigners.)
It is my personal assessment--and I am not alone--that the source of all of our problems is the non-transparent election system that was arranged by the biggest Bushite crooks in Congress, Tom Delay and Bob Ney (the $4 billion electronic voting boondoggle by which rightwing Bushite electronic voting companies gained control of the tabulation of our votes with "TRADE SECRET," PROPRIETARY programming code and virtually no audit/recount controls, over the 2002-2004 period), and that our FIRST PRIORITY must be getting rid of these voting machines and restoring election TRANSPARENCY. Until we do, we have no power--no mechanism for exercising our sovereignty as a people--on any other issue.
The abortion issue is not black and white. For one thing, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it in the Bible, neither Old Testament nor New Testament. There is NO RELIGIOUS BASIS for determining when human consciousness is present in a fetus. And it is absolutely absurd to assert that a couple of cells reproducing is a human being. Women's bodies often flush those collections of cells out, naturally. Conception, pregnancy, birth and early nurturance are a continuum. There is no easy way to identify at what point a fetus or baby is a separate entity from its mother. And it is only with modern technology that pre-birth fetuses can survive at all. The Catholic Church, in the 18th century (in a big period of reactionism) arbitrarily decided that a "soul" is infused by God at conception. This Papal dictate was clearly the result of the Church identifying itself with fascist and reactionary political forces. The Church has no more idea what a soul is, or when it is present, than you or I do. I personally believe that whales, dolphins and elephants have souls, just like ours (by "soul" I mean sentience--awareness of self). Who is to contradict me? I can point to a lot more proof that these beings have "souls" than the Church (or Bushites) can point to, for a "soul" being present in a division of human reproductive cells. Whales mourn their dead. Can a human zygote mourn the dead? Can a human baby mourn the dead?
The purpose of the Church and the Bushites is NOT to protect life. I think that is perfectly obvious.* Their purpose is to control women and sexuality, and to control, narrow and direct the life force to enhance their own wealth and power.
It's fascinating to me--and a telling fact--that one of the two major Bushite corporations that now control our elections, ES&S, a spinoff of Diebold, was initially funded by Howard Ahmanson, who also gave one million dollars to the Chalcedon Foundation, an extreme rightwing 'christian' group that, among other things, touts the death penalty for homosexuals (and promotes similar, "witch-burner" notions regarding women's rights).
These are the sort of people 'counting' all our votes behind a veil of secrecy.
"Chalcedon" was also the name of a Church Council held in 451 A.D., at which the empire and religion were firmly cemented together, and an extremely narrow-minded form of 'christianity' was endorsed, thereafter to be enforced by the sword. All dissenters were excommunicated, all other varieties of 'christianity' (there were many) were disallowed and anathematized, along with Pagan and Jews, and the witch-hunts, the witch-burnings, the book-burnings, the pogroms, the inquisitions and all the horror of the Dark Ages began in earnest. The human "soul"--the human spirit, the human mind, with its passion for free inquiry--was thereafter imprisoned in a dark dungeon, literally for a thousand years, and unmercifully tortured.
These same assholes have a lot nerve claiming to be the guardians of the birth of human souls and the protectors of human life. Nothing could be further from the truth--regarding the Vatican and their rightwing Bush junta 'christian' brethren and its rightwing Jewish Neo-Con cabalists.
*(Do we see either the Vatican or the Bushites pouring their wealth into the coffers of poor women, to enable them to feed, clothe and raise children? Although the Vatican talks a good line on social programs, it has supported and is allied with the most reactionary of governments, including the Bush junta. And, far from supporting the poor, it drains resources from the poor in many different ways--in order to support bishops and priests, and enhance the properties and wealth of the Church. Further, in the case of the Bush junta, the Church actively sought to influence the 2004 election BECAUSE the desire to control women and sexuality was far, far more important to the Vatican than the Bush junta's avid destruction of social programs and massive outright theft from the poor--and more important than unjust, immoral war. They preached it from the pulpits--abortion, abortion, abortion! They used it against Kerry. Utter and complete hypocrites. And it is THEY who are providing the Bushites with the false theology of soul infusion!)