Edited on Mon Mar-13-06 06:46 PM by Lt. Governor 2B
http://www.statejournal.com/story.cfm?func=viewstory&storyid=9366The jury sided with the defense in the case over negative ads against Charlotte Pritt.
The jury deliberated started deliberating Friday and came back with a verdict today.
The lawsuit stemmed from negative ads against Charlotte Pritt from almost ten years ago.
A statement dictated from Charlotte Pritt to me for DU :
"I would like to thank the many Americans who have lifted me up with emails and prayers in the last days. While I am disappointed in the verdict today, its good to have some closure finally to this point of my life. We cannot always understand God's purpose for us in our lives, but we need to continue to hope, pray, and be vigilant. We do not need a Governorship, or a Congressional seat, or the Presidency to do good for our fellow neighbors. We need to remain honest and know God in his time will strengthen us to move forward.
While the men who made these commercials admitted they lied about me and my record, their attorney, Mr. Butterfield was skillful in confusing the situation. Right is right and wrong is wrong. These professionals knew better, Mr. Butterfield knows better, and now the RNC knows better before it seeks to destroy the name and reputation of American citizens in a lustful pursuit of power.
It is my hope you will support financially if you can efforts like those of my cousin who is running for Lt. Governor in Arkansas and other good men and women across our country. We need to keep the faith and reclaim the public offices with men and women who seek to do service above self. Individuals who honor truth and honor and the dignity of their fellow man and woman. Individuals who see liberty and freedom as a birthright, not a monetary benefit.
I will not stop but continue to be involved in the process. For now, thanks for the emails, stay in touch, and remember politics is not about money, power, or personalities. Politics is about doing better for people and making their lives better than before. Thank you once again for your prayers.
Keep standing up and fighting!
Charlotte J. Pritt