BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraqi police investigating the deaths of 11 people in the town of Ishaqi after a U.S. military raid last week reported that each of the bodies bore multiple wounds, according to a preliminary report reviewed by Knight Ridder Newspapers.
The report contradicted an Iraqi police commander's claim on Sunday that each of the dead had been shot once in the head.
But it wasn't possible to say from the portion of the report Knight Ridder was allowed to see whether other pages backed Iraqi police's suspicions that U.S. troops executed the 11 or bolstered the U.S. position that they died during a firefight as the Americans attempted to capture an al-Qaida operative.
A Knight Ridder special correspondent was allowed to review only the portion of the preliminary report that dealt with the suspected causes of death. The correspondent wasn't allowed to make copies of the report, but portions were read to another member of Knight Ridder's staff in Baghdad.
According to the preliminary report, none of the bodies bore only a single gunshot wound, contradicting one Iraqi police officer's account that each of the dead had been shot once in the head.
One body had two gunshot wounds to the head. Five others showed signs of entrance and exit wounds to the head caused by "flying projectiles," which the report noted could be "consistent with either bullets or shrapnel." Four others showed signs of entrance and exit wounds to the chest or abdomen, also attributed to flying projectiles.