I know most Americans don't want any American shooting up civilians and getting away with it, but I only know that because I know this site and have a few good American friends.
But most of us "furriners" online come up against such noisy "nuke'em all" bastards that we don't get a chance to see that Americans as a whole are not fueled by an arrogant superiority complex and an urge to beat the crap out of everyone who does not show "appropriate respect".
I've found that when Americans do start their pseudo-patriotic hate-rants online, all it takes is for me to stand up to them and the bulk of the people around, (most of them also Americans,) will start speaking up against the idiocies too.
Good people are so afraid to speak out these days. And if it stays this way, then evil has already won. Those of us who can see through the shit-curtain that's been pulled over people's eyes must start realising how lucky they are, and how they have a responsibility to try, in whatever way they can, to unmask the evil, so those of the freepers who are just misguided can see it for themselves.
If we can each push ourselves to speak out each time we are in a situation where we "just wish someone here would say something," we can push back this tide of propaganda.
I believe in miracles because I've seen them happen. Every time you push yourself to do something that you wish you could do, but were afraid of, you start a potential miracle. Sometime you will find that unexpected circumstances enhance what you have done, you will get support that you don't expect, and achieve something you never thought was possible.
Other times you may feel battered afterwards, and think that you have achieved nothing, only to find years later that your actions caused a change in someone else, who then kept the ball rolling.
Remember the butterfly effect and flap those wings.