part of a huge worldwide "peasant" (campesino) movement. While the Bush junta has been off slaughtering Arabs for their oil, the rest of the world has taken a long look at the predatory capitalist model, and is rejecting it in favor of something new: it is not anti-business and trade, but rather a combination of support for SMALL enterprises (family farms, small businesses and coops) with social responsibility (education, medical care, bottom line support of food/shelter for all) and, perhaps above all, self-determination--not being bullied, exploited and robbed blind of resources and labor by huge corporate/banking interests. Jamaica is a good example of the latter--first of all, raked over by colonialists, then beset with onerous World Bank loans, then US ag comes in and dumps, say, cheap powdered milk on the market, destroying local fresh milk dairy farms, so that Jamaica cannot feed its own, then US "WalMart" comes in and creates "free trade zones," basically slave labor factories outside of Jamaican law. The result is the some the ugliest poverty on the planet.
Because the Bush junta is so murderous and thieving, and so empty of ideas, the only power they have over others is bully power--naked, raw bribery and threats. There is NOTHING attractive about the U.S. any more. They have killed the "golden goose" of the great American middle class, and have destroyed our reputation as a generous, self-correcting democracy, and progressive world leader.
This fascist binge that the Bush junta is on--including crippling this country with what will be decades of onerous debt--has NOT been good, except for temporary riches, for the global corporate predators whom the Bush junta serves. It is "capitalism" gone mad--if one can even call the monopolistic US giants who are sucking the US dry with unaccountable military contracts and unconscionable tax breaks and de-regulation, "capitalists." Markets and trade and business are one thing, but these fat pigs are something else--blubbery, blood-sucking monsters, with their oily tentacles holding America's children and grandchildren in a death grip. Having destroyed the lives and futures of millions of children worldwide, they are now in their last feeding frenzy, destroying the people who made them rich, us.
The Bush junta is ripping the scales from our eyes, here in the US, where many are for the first time realizing what the rest of the world has known for a long time: that out of control corporations and de-regulated capital is horrendously bad for the planet and for most of the people living on it. Our war profiteering corporate news monopolies have prevented us from seeing things as they are, and have created this bubble of illusions and falsity--one could almost call it "The Matrix"--in which we think we live. Outside of this bubble, however, the world no longer looks at us with envy--they look at us with pity. We can't even make GESTURES any more, at environmental responsibility (such as signing the Kyoto Treaty), nor even at social responsibility here at home. We let our poor rot and die in squalor and can't even rescue them from drowning in a hurricane.
The South Americans, who have taken some of the worst hits of US-supported brutality in the past--one of the last of our crimes to undergo self-correction (and possibly the last of the democratic self-corrections we are going to see in this country in our lifetimes*)--have carefully evaluated the world scene, and are going their own way, on a self-determined course. The democracies that the Reaganites and the Nixonites sought so brutally to destroy in Latin America have triumphed in the end, and also seemed to have learned the hard lesson that armed rebellion, tempting as it is in circumstances of brutal fascism, is not the way to peace and justice. The way to peace and justice is quite simple: it is democracy itself.
A good source on developments in South America: www.venezuelanalysis.com
*Throw Diebold and ES&S election theft machines into 'Boston Harbor' NOW!