Chile: just elected its first woman president, socialist Michele Batchelet, who was tortured by the US-supported dictator Pinochet.
Bolivia: just elected its first indigenous Indian as president, a former coca leaf grower opposed to the murderous US "war on drugs"; helped throw Bechtel out of Bolivia for privatizing the water and jacking up prices to the poor.
Brazil: former steel worker is president, Lula da Silva, who led the third world revolt at the WTO meeting in Cancun.
Argentina and Uruguay: see above. Also, Argentina's left/center government has vowed never again to let the country get in hock to the IMF/World Bank, and had help from Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, who bought up a third of their debt, so that social programs can go forward.
Venezuela: Hugo Chavez elected and re-elected by big majorities in the most heavily monitored elections in the world; believes some of Venezuela's oil resources should help the vast poor population, imagine that.
Peru: indigenous Indian and socialist, Ollanto Humala, ahead in the polls.
Mexico: the leftist mayor of Mexico City, Andres Manual Lopez Obrador, ahead in the polls.
"The time of the people has come." --Evo Morales
It can happen here, too. What do you think this Bushite anti-immigrant thing is all about? Limit the brown vote--in fear of the huge and profound leftist revolution that is occurring in Latin America. Also, to have a 'talking point' to explain Bushite victories in the '06 Congressional elections, where rightwing Bushite corporations will be 'counting' all the votes with 'trade secret,' proprietary programming code and virtually no audit/recount controls--just as they used 'gay marriage' to explain Bush's 'win' in 2004, when these non-transparent, Bushite-controlled, electronic voting machines were first tested out nationwide.
One of the keys to the peaceful, democratic, leftist revolution in Latin America is TRANSPARENT elections--the result of a lot of hard work by grass roots activists, community groups, the OAS, EU election monitoring groups and the Carter Center. We have to do that work here. Then we will be a democracy once again.
If it can happen in Latin America--where so much suffering has occurred at the hands of the US and US-supported dictators--if they maintained the hope, the spirit, the optimism, the heart, to reform their countries and recover from fascist juntas--so can we, here in the birthplace of modern democracy.
Start locally--your county registrar, city council, board of supes, secretary of state. Demand transparent elections!
And here is a good tool to use: (see DU front page today)
The Voter Confidence Resolution
Dave Berman, author, “We Do Not Consent”
Tel: (707) 845-3749 (“We Do Not Consent”) (GuvWurld blog main page) (Voter Confidence Resolution
Additional resources for American Revolution II:
Hopeful signs - latest news:
California voters sue the state over Diebold: announced--is suing the state of California and 18 Calif county registrars on behalf of 25 California voter/plaintiffs, on the illegal Diebold "certification" by Schwarzenegger appointee Bruce McPherson. rejects Diebold: - anti-trust accusations against Diebold, ES&S and Sequoia, re: heroic Florida election official Ion Sancho: (MythBreakers - easy primer on electronic voting--one of the myths is that HAVA requires electronic voting; it does not.) (great activist site) (news of this great movement from around the country) (statistical monitoring of '06 and '08 elections) (fab compendium of all election info) (devoted to election reform) (also great, and devoted to election reform) (analysis of the 2004 election)* :patriot: :applause: :patriot:
Sign the petition (Russ Holt, HR 550, great bill-has 169 sponsors). (well-organized local group of citizen activists in Pennsylvania, where important legal issues are at stake, including state's rights over election systems) (Calif Senator running for Sec of State to reform election system) (running for Massachusetts Sec of State on strong election reform and antiwar platform)
*Some tributes to TruthIsAll, who is very ill: of interest:
Bob Koehler (-- four recent election reform initiatives in Ohio, predicted to win by 60/40 votes, flipped over, on election day, into 60/40 LOSSES!--the biggest flipover we've seen yet; the election theft machines and their masters are now dictating election policy!)
Bob Koehler's latest: "Take this box and stuff it" (3/16/06) (Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia lavish lobbying of election officials - Beverly Hilton, Aug. '05)
Throw Diebold, ES&S and ALL election theft machines into 'Boston Harbor' NOW!
:think: :patriot: :woohoo: :patriot: :think:
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it." --Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence