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Report: Asian economies drive world growth

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lovuian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-29-06 10:08 PM
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Report: Asian economies drive world growth

The center of global economic growth is Asia, where most economies continue to grow rapidly, the Conference Board said.

However, Asia is increasingly depending on trade within the region, the board said Wednesday in a newly released report. Since 2003, inter-Asian trade has doubled, while Asian trade with both the United States and the European Union is up only about 50 percent.

The board said this reflects a large shift in the relative importance of markets to Asian producers. Since 1999, for example, the share of Asian exports that go to the United States has dropped from 23 percent of total exports to 18 percent, while the share to the EU is down from 17 percent to 15 percent in 2005.


Since the Republicans and Bush has been in America's growth has gone down and China's has gone up... Is this good for America Mr.Bush...

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Warpy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-29-06 10:24 PM
Response to Original message
1. CW says that Asia's economies are overheated and overdue
for a correction and that it will take the pressure off oil supplies, causing a decrease in the price per barrel to $38-$45 within 2 years.

I sincerely doubt that will happen because no matter how steep a "correction," I don't see many of those folks parking their cars and scooters and going back to bicycles.

What is abundantly clear is that the US economy is unsustainable.
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Bhaisahab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 01:34 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. Its actually the US economic model that is unsustainable
and unfortunately, that is the model that has found favour with the nations of Asia. nobody seems to understand that over consumption does not mean economic growth.
For all the hoo-haa in India over its booming economy, the people of rural India are in terrible economic shape. I have just returned from a visit to rural Rajasthan state, where tribal villages are so desperately poor there are no men to be found in entire villages. They all leave in crowded buses to cities, looking for any kind of daily wage labour, and return late in the night, if at all. The children in some villages wear tattered clothes, have no access to education, and the women are anemic beyond repair.
It was an education - confirmation of what I always suspected - that India is an economic powerhouse just like all the whores of the world are chaste.
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sweetheart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-04-06 05:35 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. kaptial history
If you read a US history book, most often they'll break down periods by
the presidential term. Then they'll give much less time to the actual
movements that have produced change in the last century, all of them social
movements, outside the frame of government, like womens sufferage, the
whole alcohol prohibition foolishness, civil rights movement and anti-war

The history of kings is not the history of serfs... and the benchmark for
global poverty is what i've seen myself in india, in rajistan, in uttar pradhesh,
of the really poor underclass, whether they be untouchable or not by class,
underclass by poverty and life circumstance. When the american corps outsource
their IT to mumbai, they are endorsing the new definition of poverty, and
importing in to the US. Americans are still learning and looking forward to
a long lesson in how poor poverty can be... and the millions who live that
history will, like your powerhouuse of chaste whores, be a fat culture of
expectations to be paid without working, expecting some attaboy, some
acknowledgement for the great good military budget-religion that we
live to make a pyramid of military arms the size of the planet, so that
Pharoe can be buried in it.

Well, you're welcome to come see poverty in northern britain, housing estates
that look like prisons, or poverty in los angeles, huge square mile blocks
in urban inner city race-neighborhoods controlled by gangs, or poverty in the
hillsides of mexico city, with running open sewers in ditches by shanty towns,
and nowhere is there really a rich nation, i've observed. Even in the richest
places on earth, the people are small hearted and tiny.

In all the slick advertizing, the land of the wealthy, the successful, is a
land of enlightenment, not rather a craven land of fat expectations, lazy
work ethics and barbaric violence and miitarism in daily culture that is
shocking for nationals who've not been exposed to a prison-state.

After so many years in urban dangerous areas of the US, i found india to be
a very safe country, one where the violence to my person, by police or
others, was not the way of the culture. For all the poverty, the dynamic
hugeness and complexity of india, is just a ditto copy of every place on earth.

I think we all know poverty, when we hear craven empty hearts.
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madrchsod Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-29-06 10:39 PM
Response to Original message
2. why wouldn`t they
we buy all there junk...ever noticed how many really useless things there is to buy?
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pdurod1 Donating Member (328 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 12:44 AM
Response to Original message
3. After 500 or so love canals, couple of 3 mile island meltdowns
the people of asia will realize they and their lands have been exploited.
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