Senate Calls for Study Into Immigrant Deaths
By Nicole Gaouette, Times Staff Writer
March 30, 2006
WASHINGTON -- The Senate today approved an amendment to launch a study of how many illegal immigrants die trying to cross U.S. borders, which Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) described as "an immense humanitarian tragedy."
The 94-0 vote — the first of several votes the Senate is expected to take this afternoon as it continues debating immigration reform — provided little hint of the tumultuous votes to come.
In an emotional debate that pits the needs for post-9/11 border security against the economic and humanitarian concerns of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants already in the country, senators often got personal.
"I know emotions are running high," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). Dismissing calls to make criminals of illegal immigrants, Feinstein said, "How do you find 12 million people?"
Describing three illegal immigrants who have made contributions to the country, Feinstein added, "This is their home. They are a vital and necessary part of the American workforce."...,0,4818941.story?coll=la-home-headlines