Ground Zero Still in Limbo as Talks Fail
Published: March 31, 2006
Gov. George E. Pataki's last-ditch effort to strike a deal with the developer Larry A. Silverstein to speed up the rebuilding at ground zero crashed yesterday, when he was unable to convince New Jersey or City Hall officials that it made financial sense.
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and representatives of Gov. Jon S. Corzine of New Jersey vowed to work with Mr. Pataki to put together a new framework for rebuilding at the World Trade Center site, one that would be likely to diminish Mr. Silverstein's role.
The seemingly irreparable breakdown, coming after months of negotiations and with construction expected to start within days, is clearly a personal and political disappointment for the governor.
Over the last three years, Mr. Pataki tied his legacy, his reputation and perhaps his presidential ambitions to construction of the Freedom Tower and the restoration of the city's skyline after the devastating attack on Sept. 11.
After a furious series of meetings this week, the Pataki administration and Mr. Silverstein were inching back toward an agreement much like one that had been on the table when talks reached a dramatic late-night impasse on March 14....