Pressured to Certify Voting Machines By Sari Gelzer
t r u t h o u t | Report
Friday 31 March 2006
The 2006 deadline has passed, and pressure is being placed on states to comply with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). HAVA requires states to transition all voting machines to electronic and optical scan technologies in time for primary and mid-term elections of this year.
As states are rushing to spend millions of dollars for this transition, controversy over the accuracy and security of the new machines is creating obstacles to reaching this deadline.
Twenty-six states have already created legislation or regulations that require paper ballots, reported the Verified Voting Foundation. Thirteen more states have proposed voter-verified paper records (VVPR), but have not yet enacted legislation, and 10 states have still not proposed this legislation. "The only feasible solution to the insecurity of electronic voting is a universal requirement for voter-verified paper records (VVPR) of all ballots," says David Dill, a computer scientist at Stanford and founder of the Verified Voting Foundation...
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Following is a brief account of current key state battles over voting machines, a debate that has resulted in missed HAVA deadlines and continued inquiry into the technology that is shaping America's electoral process.