Edited on Sat Apr-01-06 01:48 PM by Peace Patriot
"...it's interesting how slanted this news article seems to be..."
This is a form of swiftboating.
And with the lapdogs of the war profiteering corporate monopolies, it's easy to do. They are trying sideways damage to Fitzgerald's credibility, planting doubts in the newsstream about his authority, because what HE has against THEM is so damaging. These 'doubts' will be trotted out again and again. They don't have a case for it, although who knows what will fly with this Bush-appointed Supreme Court (and who knows what deals Bush's appointees made with regard to this and other Bush junta crimes). But I don't think Fitzgerald's authority is a legal case so much as it is a 'talking point.'
I want to know more about this supposed 'limit' to his authority that Fitzgerald supposedly asked for. It could be they are just making it up, or misconstruing something. You can't really know these days, with war profiteering corporate news monopoly 'reporting.' Wait and see on that.
But bear this in mind. The purpose of Bush junta propaganda is not to convince anybody of anything, but rather to create smooth scenarios and newsstream fantasies to explain foregone conclusions (for instance, Bush 'winning' the 2004 election*). Possibly the junta has decided to try a "Saturday Night Massacre" (i.e., Watergate--Nixon illegally firing one prosecutor after another), possibly via the Supreme Court this time (now filled with Bushites who have already agreed to this). So they want to start planting the seeds now, to make this seem reasonable when it happens.
There is simply no question that Patrick Fitzgerald is THE most dangerous man in the country to this junta--that we can perceive, anyway--and is the number one target of THE most ruthless and criminal cabal that has ever gained power in the United States. Can you imagine the pressure on this prosecutor? Nothing would surprise me, in this situation--good or bad. From all reports, Fitzgerald is one of the few people in this world who can withstand this kind of pressure. Everything about him points to steely resolve and utter brilliance as a legal strategist. But when you add up the crimes of the junta that we know about--not to mention the ones we only suspect--what is at stake for the junta, as to personal criminal liability, and the huge amounts of money and power involved, anything can happen. And we should be prepared for "anything."
One way to be prepared for "anything" is to NOT place the burden of restoring our democracy on this one prosecutor and this one case. Really, Fitzgerald cannot win our country back for us. All he can do is to expose the crimes that he can get evidence for, and try to get proper convictions. This can help us do the main task, but it can't achieve the main task, in and of itself. I believe that step one of restoring our democracy is, and must be, restoring TRANSPARENT elections, and that it is up to all of us--it is a collective task of "we, the people"--to get this done.
Our elections have been taken over by two Bushite corporations--Diebold and ES&S--using 'TRADE SECRET,' PROPRIETARY programming code, in an utterly fraudulent election system brought to us by the two biggest crooks in Congress, Tom Delay and Bob Ney. To get our country back, we must undo the fatal damage they have done to election transparency.
*(You will notice how the "gay marriage" script was designed to provide an "explanation" of the 2004 elections results. "Immigration" is being used similarly this year as a pre-programmed "explanation" of the coming Diebolded '06 election results. But perhaps a more pertinent example--re: the Fitzgerald prosecution--is the WMD-planting theory of Traitorgate. It goes like this: The junta used phony evidence--the Niger forgeries, etc.--to set up an expectation that WMDs, specifically nukes, would be found in Iraq after the invasion. To make this prediction come true--and the scenario play out--they intended to PLANT nukes in Iraq, after they invaded, with the "evidence" to be 'found" by Judith Miller and the US military WMD team she was "embedded" with. But somebody--probably someone in the CIA's worldwide counter-proliferation project, headed by Plame--discovered the plot and foiled it. Outing not just Plame, but the entire CIA counter-proliferation project, 20 years in the making, was the COVER-UP, not the main crime. The theory has held up very well as more facts have come out. And it is also a good theoretical example of how the Bushites work the corporate newsstream. They don't intend to convince the majority of Americans of anything; they just want a credible-sounding lie or deceit to cover up their massive looting and other crimes. In the case of Fitzgerald's authority, this crap that AP just put out there, is probably intended to plant some credible-sounding 'doubts' either for some move against Fitzgerald they have planned, or to provide a corporate news monopoly 'talking point' (distraction) as other indictments come down.
(An important part of the WMD-planting theory of Traitorgate is the death of the Brits chief WMD expert David Kelly four days after Plame was outed. Kelly was already whistleblowing to the BBC about the "sexed up" pre-war WMD intel. Plame was outed on July 14, 2003. Kelly was found dead (under highly suspicious circumstances) on July 18. His office and computers were searched. Four days later, on July 22, Plame's entire counter-proliferation network, headquartered at the Brewster-Jennings front company, was outed (also by Novak), putting all of its covert agents and contacts at great risk of getting killed. If Traitorgate includes the murder of David Kelly--or threats against him that drove him to suicide--the stakes are even higher for the Bush junta and for Fitzgerald.
(I suppose another good example of Bush junta newsstream manipulation is the original swiftboating itself--of John Kerry. With Bushites controlling the vote tabulation under the veil of "trade secret" programming in the new electronic voting machines, you have to wonder why the junta bothered to do some of the things they did during the 2004 election campaign. Part of the swiftboating motive was surely to lay out the foregone conclusion scenario--in combination with the "gay marriage" gambit, and a few other things (Rove or Cheney gabbling about their "invisible" voter registration campaign) (--no evidence for any special effort; the Dems blew the Repubs away, nearly 60/40, in new voter reg in 2004). But the other part may have been that the Diebold/ES&S percentage advantage to Bush had to be pre-programmed and was not so easy to change on election day. They weren't sure how much Kerry was going to win by. This may also be why they risked all the blatant, highly visible, illegal vote suppression in Ohio. So they had to solidify some base support (which has never been more than 30%, in my opinion), and hold onto the additional 10% that always waffles back and forth on Bush, on top of the 3% to 5% Diebold/ES&S tweak, on top of blatant vote suppression in selected states. The swiftboating was partly to secure the base-plus 10% (to plant 'doubts' about Kerry as a war hero--who looked so good next to cowardly Bush.) Diebold/ES&S, Kenneth Blackwell and Jeb Bush did the rest.)