Thanks to Raw Story for posting this press release from the NRCC:
April 4, 2006
WASHINGTON - National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) Chairman Tom Reynolds today issued the following statement in response to Rep. Tom DeLay's announcement:
"Tom's invaluable presence on the campaign trail will certainly be missed as we continue the battle to strengthen our House Republican Majority, but on this day, we celebrate him for time and again delivering on our party's bold agenda of reform. To say Tom was a driving force in every key accomplishment of this Republican Congress is no understatement.
"In all my years as an elected official, I have never seen a better vote counter than Tom DeLay.snip, it's because of Tom DeLay's skills at directing vote counts as only ONE of the reasons he will be vilified by history.
Miami 'Riot' Squad: Where Are They Now?January 24, 2005
As we begin the second Bush administration, let's take a moment to reflect upon one of the most historic episodes of the 2000 battle for the White House -- the now-legendary "Brooks Brothers Riot" at the Miami-Dade County polling headquarters.
This was when dozens of "local protesters," actually mostly Republican House aides from Washington, chanted "Stop the fraud!" and "Let us in!" when the local election board tried to move the re-counting from an open conference room to a smaller space.
With help from their GOP colleagues and others, we identified some of these Republican heroes of yore in a photo of the event.
Some of those pictured have gone on to other things, including stints at the White House.
No. 1. Tom Pyle, who had worked for Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), went private sector a few months later, getting a job as director of federal affairs for Koch Industries.
Fast forward to today.... we suffer the consequences of DeLay's participation in Grand Theft Election 2000. An impending convicted felon.
Oh, wait, we've been dogged by convicted felons ever since this Republican Revolution stampeded into absolute power. This garbage has rotted so much that we can no longer identify its components. It's all one vile stench.
There's absolutely NOTHING Christian about this, Tom.
So we have come full circle, back to Election 2000 in Florida.
Mr. Gore, your country needs you now.