Edited on Thu Apr-06-06 04:03 AM by Ecumenist
who have this type of Luddite reaction to anything that is outside the guidelines that these types place on there image of God. I am a Christian and I have never understood why there has to be such a chasm between science and faith, creationism and evolution. I majored in biology in college and I had had many discussions about my belief and how I viewed the world of science considering my belief in God. Never saw a problem and in fact, have always considered myself to be what I term, evolutionary creationist. This was something that was instilled in me from my earliest recollection and I was taught that if God created all things, it wouldn't make sense to believe that He didn't have at least a heavy hand in science. After all, anyone with at least a basic idea of how languages translate one to the other understands that although it's possible to literally translate one language to another, the meaning is often COMPLETELY LOST in that translation IF there has been no allowance for transliteration or the transfer of the actual meaning of whatever word, statement or idea with that translation. That being said, it's not a leap of faith, (no pun intended, I think), to realise that many passages in the Bible weren't fully and wholly translated. Things were transposed and substituted by scribes who weren't what we would call expert linguists, editing out and adding words, phrases and terms, often changing what the original meaning was completely. I notice that the people who call themselves fundamentalists conveniently leave out parts of the Bible that don't conform to or support their stances but all the same, there are passages that talk about the difference in time, (1 day with God is as a thousand years with man), etc. Who's to say what kind of time passed in the creation of the Universe and why would it be heretical to say that there is no conflict between faith and science, to the rational and those who have TRUE FAITH, not the sunday morning Bible thumpers. I and countless like me, Christian, Muslim, Jew, etc, find it only reinforces the wonder and faith when discoveries like this "missing link" are made because they represent another piece in the puzzle. In fact, there are references to Leviathan in the old testament and it doesn't take rocket science to deduce what the author was referring to. I've heard it said that if there were ever contact or discovery of another race of intelligent beings from another planet, if there was governmental disclosure of that fact, it would cause panic in the global population because it would cause the breakdown of religious belief, leading to the complete disintegration of civilisation as we know it. I always tried to wrap my head around that because, if anything, I believe it would serve to make God , for those of us who believe, more divine, faith inspiring because creation would extend beyond this earth and open up any possibility... the caveat here, for the true Christians and not a just some membership in a boot-licking troglodyte "church". My mother always said that God made our heads hollow to contain something other than water, though lately, you'd never know it from listening to and observing far too many fellow Americans. Alot of what they term as faith and a true belief in the Divine is actually artificial constructs based on a dogma created by other men, other humans, who are every bit and grain as fallible as the next. Frankly, speaking, Science discovery and seeking knowledge isn't the sin, IGNORANCE is and intentional IGNORANCE based on a religiously flawed dogma is a MORTAL Sin, against the same God these type profess to believe in. After all, if God created Man and everything in the earth and beyond, he gave that same man a brain and ability to use that brain to question, learn, explore and teach. Believe me WindravenX, there are many more like me than the philistines who parade before the cameras, microphones and newspaper to try to beat the rest of the the Globe into the flat form they want it to be. At times, I almost expect a new, improved Inquisition, complete with prime time burnings at the stake. :rant: