They are deliberatetly confusing things to cause the usual befuddlement.
1) it is a crime, period, to out a covert CIA agent.
2) portions of a top secret national intelligence estimate were leaked by bush/cheney, the portions leaked served political purposes, which purposes included derailing efforts by Ambassador Wilson to alert the public about the phony 'yellow cake' Niger connection and the bogus 'aluminum tubes'. The NIE in its entirety supports Wilson, the portions leaked, taken out of context, did not.
3) the same NIE has now been claimed to have been declassified, although the question is when exactly was it officially declassified as it seems that was done AFTER selective contents were leaked for political purposes.
4) the leaked documents do not directly name Valerie Plame. Instead, what has been revealed is that there was a conspiracy involving both Bush and Cheney directly to discredit Ambassador Wilson, that the actions included the selective release of classified information to discredit Wilson, and at the same time Wilson's wife's covert status was revealed by 'somebody in the White House'.
"On June 27, 2003, two weeks before Libby's meeting with Miller and disclosing to her portions of the NIE, Libby met with Woodward, the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, and leaked the portion of the NIE that dealt with Iraq's attempt to acquire uranium from Niger, which was first reported by this reporter in March.
A week or so earlier, Woodward met with two other government officials, one of whom told him in a "casual" and off-handed manner that Wilson's wife worked for the CIA.
Woodward said the meeting with Libby and the other government officials had been set up simply as "confidential background interviews for my 2004 book 'Plan of Attack' about the lead-up to the Iraq war, ongoing reporting for the Washington Post and research for a book on Bush's second term to be published in 2006."""Mr. Libby told a grand jury he discussed the intelligence estimate with Judith Miller, then with The New York Times, on July 8, 2003. Ten days later, the intelligence estimate was formally declassified." that declassification occurred on 7-18-2003 while the woodward leak was on 2-27-2003, and woodward was given the Plame-Wilson connection before that.