2006-04-09 16:54 KST
Corruption-linked Capital Flight Sinks Africa
Transparency International tells Western governments to help Africa recover stolen money
The anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International (TI) released a report in Nairobi, Kenya, April 7 calling on Western governments to assist Africa retrieve part of the money swindled from the continent and invested in Europe and America. TI says it is "immoral" for Western governments to allow such funds to freely circulate in their respective countries while Africa was sinking under the weight of debt and poverty. Transparency International puts the amount of traceable "stolen" money at US$140 billion.
Resource-rich African countries have been plagued by poverty-related problems due to decades of bad governance, graft and chronic corruption. The net effect of these ills has been the illegal outflow of money from the continent to the secured private bank accounts of dishonest African elites and their allies in the West.
To appreciate the enormity of what TI is saying, one needs to make a simple comparison between one African country and any European one. At independence from Belgium in 1960, the Democratic Republic of Congo was seen as one of the richest nations on earth based on a survey of the natural resources she had. Years of misrule by the late president Mobutu have pushed the country into abject poverty, indebtedness and civil war. Today, more than 70 percent of Congolese live below the poverty line compared to Belgium's near-zero percent. Congo's GDP per capita is $120 compared to $29,000 in Belgium. In Belgium life expectancy is 79 and it is 49 in Congo, while the number of persons per physician in Belgium stand at 260 compared to Congo's 20,000.