And, you know, I feel the same way. This is NOT my government. And I have never felt that in my life before--even when our government was doing really bad shit, and I mean really bad (slaughtering upwards of two million Vietnames and Southeast Asians; assassinating democratically elected foreign leaders; training death squads...). There was always the feeling of elements in the government going very wrong, but with the possibility that correction could occur, and in many cases it eventually did.
When NAFTA passed, for instance, we knew that some Congresspeople were bought and paid for, and almost none of them had read it, and that the president (Clinton) had broken his campaign promise not to sign it without labor and environmental protections. But even as late as that, in the history of Corporate Rule in the U.S. of A., the possibility of change still existed. (--that's why 50,000 people bothered to march in Seattle and disrupt the World Trade Organization meeting in 1999--an event that was thoroughly slandered by the corporate media.) (Boy, did that scare 'em!) I felt Clinton was wrong. I never felt he was unreachable. I never even felt that about Reagan, bad as he was. He certainly authorized the war on Nicaragua (the Iran-Contra scandal), in violation of a specific Congressional ban, but he had his operatives do it covertly and illegally. And they DID get caught (even though Reagan got off). Meaning: they knew what the law was, what the limits were; they didn't openly dispute Congress' right to declare war and make laws; and they still had some fear of public opinion. Also, the covert nature of their Iran-Contra activities and the war on Nicaragua means that there were lots of people in the gov't establishment--in the military and intelligence communities, within the administration, and in Congress--who respected the law and the balance of powers.
Now I feel like our federal government is a foreign power. There is no way for the people to influence it. Anyone loyal to the Constitution and the people has been purged. It is insulated by a fraudulent election system and by war profiteering corporate news monopolies. It does whatever it wants to, with no reference to the rest of us. The only thing they bother with is a slick newsstream (or what they think is slick) to make us all believe that they have some support...somewhere. (If the Barbie Dolls and Pinnochios on TV think it's all okay--if that's the "MAINSTREAM"--then maybe believers in peace, justice and democracy should crawl into a hole and give it up.) But, mostly, they couldn't give a crap. They have all the power--to steal us blind, to sent nukes flying, to send troops to their deaths, to spy on us, to suppress and marginalize dissent, and to abandon us at their will. So, what do they care if they have a 30% (at best) approval rating, and get booed by tens of thousands of baseball fans whenever they stick their heads out their bunkers? They really and truly don't care. To them, WE are the enemy.
Not to mention their trying to sell our ports off to the United Arab Emirates, the Saudi-Carlysle-Bush cabal, Prince Bandar lounging around the White House, FEMA's failure to protect the people of the Gulf coast, the jacked up and escalating price of oil, and China holding our paper.
I get the feeling that our national government has become the mere pawn of global corporate predators--I mean, much moreso than before. Before they purchased influence; now they just pick up the phone and issue orders to the Bush junta. It has nothing to do with us any more. And to swear "loyalty" to this "government" would be a betrayal of all that we revere and ARE loyal to, in the history of our democracy. Non-transparent elections and the cabals of the rich create tyranny. That's what we have.
And cheers and hoorah's to Basil E. Dalack, who has said so--and intends to stick it to them! What joy to see the real patriots stand up!
:applause: :patriot: :applause: :patriot: :applause: :patriot: :applause: :patriot: :applause: