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Billboard Radio Monitor: Arizona Talker Under The Gun

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Mark E. Smith Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 01:06 PM
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Billboard Radio Monitor: Arizona Talker Under The Gun
Edited on Tue Apr-11-06 01:09 PM by Mark E. Smith
April 11, 2006

A part-time Arizona talk show host who suggested killing illegal immigrants as they crossed the border is under fire himself, as is the station for which he occasionally works.

Brian James, a fill-in talk show host who has twice appeared on Clear Channel talk KFYI Phoenix, recently suggested on the station's airwaves that a solution to the immigration problem in Arizona would be to kill illegal immigrants as they cross the border.

"What we'll do is randomly pick one night every week where we will kill whoever crosses the border," James said on a Mar. 8 broadcast.

James also said that he would be "happy to sit there with my high-powered rifle and my night scope" and kill people as they cross, according to an Associated Press report.

In a letter to FCC chairman Kevin Martin, Arizona atty general Terry Goddard and U.S. attorney Paul Charlton call the remarks irresponsible and dangerous and urge the FCC to take appropriate action. James' remarks have intensified racial tensions in the state, according to the letter, which says, "Tempers are short on both sides, and the situation is highly volatile."

This year's Karl Rove generated GOP wedge issue is getting strong support from the racists. Looks like the David Duke wing of the Republican Party is taking control for 2006.

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phantom power Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 01:10 PM
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1. He oughtta be under the gun, the stupid racist jackass.
You should have seen his manager, spinning like a top to try and make this loser seem sane.
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NIGHT TRIPPER Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 01:19 PM
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2. I think encouraging public violence is against the law-
I know they keep a close eye on all ANTI-WAR Protests with undercover fBI/CIA to make damn sure
no one "encourages" violent behavior--

...but I guess if you're publicly inciting violence to an audience of tens of thousands, and you're also "repubee friendly",
then you are above the law just like that dictator you support.
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Vinnie From Indy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 01:41 PM
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3. I wrote to the station manager andthe FCC
The station is a right-wingers Kool-Aid refueling depot. They have all the usual propaganda blowhards - Rush, Hannity etc.

Here is the station link:
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roguevalley Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 01:42 PM
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4. I wonder if this dumb ass understands the legal concept of
accessory before the fact?
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fshrink Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 01:47 PM
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5. James should be deported to Mexico with
the same income as the average Mexican and for a year. I would be happy to watch monthly TV reports on his condition.
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MrPrax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Apr-11-06 01:53 PM
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6. Why doesn't Arizona atty general
go and arrest the guy? Why is he ONLY writing a letter to the FCC? Does he think a fine will send a strong message to that community?
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