the Enzi bill causes.
Why is ANA Concerned???? And Why You Should Be Too!!!!
S. 1955
Eliminates important health care coverage protections that only exist in the states!
S. 1955 preempts over 1000 state benefit and provider mandate laws, leaving insurers free to offer policies that exclude basic benefits and leaves states with no recourse.
Millions of Americans would lose coverage for such important primary and preventative care as:
screenings for breast, cervical, colorectal and prostate cancer;
well-child care and immunizations;
emergency services;
mental health;
and diabetes supplies and education.
In addition to the loss of these benefit mandates, S. 1955 would preempt mandates that guarantee access to Nurse Practitioners (32 states) Nurse Midwives (30 states) Nurse Anesthetists (17 states) and Psychiatric Nurses (18 states).
To gain this exemption from state laws, insurers need only offer one plan that resembles a plan offered to state employees in one of the five most populous states. That plan does not have to be affordable or comprehensive, and could be a high-deductible health plan. For example, Florida offers its state employees a plan that includes a $5000 deductible for families.
Prevents states from limiting how much insurers can charge small businesses with a workforce that includes older and sicker workers, as well as women of child-bearing age!
States that have taken steps to prohibit discriminatory pricing based on age, gender, geography and business size would be unable to enforce their laws. The bill imposes an out-of-date 1993 NAIC model law, rather than the more protective current model. Under this new system, many small businesses with workers who are older and sicker, women of child-bearing age, or who have fewer employees, will immediately see their premiums rise.
Includes such significant preemption of state law that it even allows insurers to sue states in federal court if they attempt to act on behalf of their residents!
Some insurers can even go directly to the federal court of appeals and get an expedited review of their case, a right not afforded to patients.
Invites cherry-picking and fraud!
The AHP portion of S.1955 still invites favorable treatment of those who are young and healthy, at the expense of those who have more complex health care needs. It also invites insurance fraud, through weak certification requirements.
S. 1955 will harm consumers that need health care the most, forcing them to pay higher premiums for less coverage!
ANA has joined with a long list of consumer, provider and advocacy organizations to oppose S. 1955. However, we need YOUR help – YOUR VOICE! Make sure your Senators understand the real implications of S. 1955 in your state!
Who Else Is Opposed???
List of Organizations Opposed to S. 1955 - April 3, 2006
Coalition S. 1955 Opposition Letter - April 4, 2006
National Conference of Insurance Legislators S. 1955 Opposition Letter
State Insurance Commissioners - Letters of Opposition
New Hampshire
Detailed Information About S. 1955
S. 1955 – Current Text – April 6, 2006
S 1955: Section By Section Summary – Chairman Michael Enzi’s (R-WY) Markup of S. 1955 - April 6, 2006
Claim v. Reality on S 1955 – National Partnership for Women & Families - March 14, 2006
American Nurses Association Briefing on S. 1955 – Speaker Beth C. Fuchs, Ph.D., Health Policy Alternatives - April 10, 2005
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