not exactly "news" to many.
<As taxpayers across the country scramble to file their returns before the April 17 deadline, experts say many women do not realize they are the tax system's "biggest losers."
A new report released by the National Council for Research on Women states that women -- especially black, Hispanic and Native American women -- receive a markedly smaller share of tax breaks.
"When we look at things through the gender lens, we see how our tax system is failing," said Linda Basch, the council's president. "Women are the shock absorbers. They pick up the slack when our tax system fails."
Sandra Morgen, co-author of the council's study, said women are still disproportionately less wealthy than men, particularly women of color, who are twice as likely than white women to be poor. In 2004, black women in Chicago working full-time only earned about 83 percent of what their white counterparts earned.
According to the report, women often have an income derived mostly from wages rather than from a combination of wages, dividends and the sale of assets. As a result, women have benefited far less from a tax system that taxes wages more heavily than wealth.>