The reason why it has emerged in BSE is probably because the cattle's bodies are incapable of resisting the prion at all. Humans probably have better defensive systems. But "better" doesn't mean "immune". Therein lies the problem. And combined with the extremely long potential latency of the prion, it also means that vegetarianism, quarantine, etc., will be impractical. Absurd.
You're right, most CJD testing is done in the few high-level hospital labs (Wistar, Penn and Jefferson in Philadelphia, where I live) that have skilled technicians and scientists. The waste is burned in special vessels designed to burn at a very high temperature, and the ash is stored like nuclear material.
At least, it used to be.
I did EEGs on CJD patients, which doesn't involve blood, but I remember that one of the doctors argued strongly that all my clothes should go into the waste container, that I should scrub down with alcohol, and be reimbursed by the hospital for my clothes. Only the threat of my nudity persuaded them otherwise, although I had been an artists' life model just a few years before, and was used to being nekkid in front of people. It was funny -- and mad. But at least one of the CJD patients got a laugh out of it, so I figured that the gods must have been pleased.
As for your last question, well, we know fuck-all about the real levels of CJD/BSE/Kuru prions in nature. It's impossible to do proper agricultural studies like BSE epidemiology because there is not enough money to get the job done. The USDA has been gutted by every Republican since Eisenhower. I'm convinced it's the reason that otherwise-trivial food poisoning is still staggeringly common in the USA. We had a little boy in my area who died a few years ago because he ate strawberries contaminated with a deadly E. coli variant. A splash of dilute chlorine bleach or peroxide at the packing plant would have saved his life -- but to require even a dirt-cheap solution like that is Socialifm Moft Foul! It's impossible to say why your father has developed dementia, but it is one of those things that has become universal in just the last 50 years -- along with multiple and dangerous allergies, diabetes, obesity, sex-based diseases, several baffling kinds of cancers and degenerative diseases; and a list which is bound to grow larger, longer, and more frightening.
Modern agricultural and food-distribution practices, influenced by the death-dealing ideology masquerading as Capitalism, has led to enormous numbers of real-life incubators for new, exotic, and highly pathogenic diseases, which are able to conduct large-scale gene-recombination runs for viruses, and massive novel protein-synthesis in the case of prions. The scum that we unconcernedly leave in our wake, festering in the closed spaces formed by the artifacts of our society, become self-sustaining biological reactors.
How about a few drops of Clorox, a little peroxide? Soap and water, for cryin' out loud! Fresh air and sunlight!
So, it's not just the cows. They're pretty big for canaries, but canaries they are. Perhaps that's why the Hindus have long considered cows to be holy animals. They may be the sentinels for plagues, the kinds of which we can't even imagine.
And for want of a penny, we are breeding the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. We are breeding them strong, and swift, and brazen. But fear will get us nowhere. Don't fear Death in any of its disguises -- fight!