Inspector general: 'Much of the criticism is warranted'
From Mike M. Ahlers
CNN Washington Bureau
Friday, April 14, 2006; Posted: 3:00 p.m. EDT (19:00 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- After being roundly criticized in a slew of media, congressional and government reports, the Federal Emergency Management Agency's internal watchdog Friday returned its own verdict on the handling of Hurricane Katrina: The criticism against FEMA is largely deserved.
In a hefty 218-page report, the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general writes that the federal government and FEMA received "widespread criticism for a slow and ineffective response to Hurricane Katrina."
"Much of the criticism is warranted," Inspector General Richard L. Skinner writes.
It describes manpower problems,
a decline in planning for natural disasters as attention focused on possible terrorist scenarios, and confusion over the roles and responsibilities of officials in responding to disasters.
more: of report: EDIT: Another Friday news dump.:eyes: Sheesh. Edit to bold text for emphasis.