Canadian Claims Mistreatment by U.S AgentsBy BETH DUFF-BROWN
The Associated Press
Wednesday, April 19, 2006; 4:14 AM
TORONTO -- Akhil Sachdeva, an accountant from India who emigrated to Canada,
still wonders why he was seized at gunpoint by U.S. agents and held for months
with hundreds of foreigners following the Sept. 11 terror attacks.
Chaining him to a bench at the FBI's Manhattan office on Dec. 20, 2001,
federal agents demanded to know his religious and political beliefs, asked
whether he had taken flying lessons and sought his personal views about the suicide
hijackers, he said in an interview with The Associated Press.
The 33-year-old is among eight foreign detainees who have sued U.S. officials,
contending they were mistreated and terrorized by snarling dogs during four months
at the Passaic County Jail in New Jersey. The class-action lawsuit is open to some
800 foreign-born detainees who were held for roughly the same amount of time.
Sachdeva, now a Canadian citizen, is seeking undisclosed financial compensation
for his ordeal by joining the federal lawsuit filed in New York against senior
U.S. officials, including FBI Director Robert Mueller and former Attorney General
John Ashcroft.
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