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AP: Bungled Terror Case Taking New Twist

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-21-06 04:33 AM
Original message
AP: Bungled Terror Case Taking New Twist
AP: Bungled Terror Case Taking New Twist
By JOHN SOLOMON, Associated Press Writer

Friday, April 21, 2006

04-21) 02:06 PDT WASHINGTON, (AP) --

A botched Detroit terrorism case that already has embarrassed the Bush administration is taking a new twist: A fresh FBI analysis of the evidence undercuts the recent indictment of the former chief prosecutor in the case.

The 13-page report by FBI Agent Paul George concludes that satellite photos of a Jordanian hospital closely match hand-drawn sketches found in 2001 inside the apartment of four Detroit men who the government claimed had surveyed the site as part of a terrorist plot.

The new analysis conflicts with the Justice Department's argument that photographic evidence did not match the sketches, and renews questions about whether the government correctly arrested the four men as a terrorist cell shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Convictions of three of the four Detroit men were tossed out in 2004 after the Justice Department told the court its own prosecutors withheld photos from defense lawyers that could have helped prove the defendants innocence.

Last month, former Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard G. Convertino and a State Department investigator were indicted on charges they conspired at the trial to withhold the pictures because they would have shown that the drawings were not surveillance sketches of the hospital, as Convertino and trial witnesses had portrayed.

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skooooo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-21-06 04:45 AM
Response to Original message
1. this pisses me off

They're just going on witchhunts to make people think that something is being accomplished. Same thing as in California.
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Disturbed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-21-06 05:55 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. It stinks real bad when Prosecutors lie to put innocent ...
people in prison. It makes a mockery of the "Justice" System.
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saigon68 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-21-06 06:01 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Stalin did shit like this in the old CCCP
Its the CHIMP'S amerika folks
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Warren Stupidity Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-21-06 07:43 AM
Response to Reply #2
5. There ought to be a simple law.
Prosecutorial malfeasance should be punished by the same level of punishment associated with the charges against the defendent. If a prosecutor deliberately screws a death penalty case, for example, the penalty would be death.

Of course I am against the death penalty.
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Oversea Visitor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-21-06 07:25 AM
Response to Original message
4. You guys losing damn fast
So they got caught on this
Look around you and see what they gotten away with.

You guys losing WAR on Liberty at home
You guys losing WAR on Freedom at home
You guys losing WAR on Democracy at home

Does it matter wheather you are Dems or Repukes
You American people
You cant put being American before being Dem or Repuke
You guys lose
People lose


What the hell am I taking all this trouble for x(
I am nuts :rofl:
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-21-06 07:51 AM
Response to Reply #4
6. Hi, Oversea Visitor. You are not nuts.
Edited on Fri Apr-21-06 07:51 AM by sfexpat2000
Our government is in the hands of kleptomaniacs. And who knows how many people they rounded up after 9/11 just because they can.

The real fight here is to get our elections back. :hi:

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Oversea Visitor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-21-06 08:33 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. Hey there sfex

What I written is very harsh very in your face
But it need saying

I am total neutral ....hmm... except when bush concern :rofl:

The nuts part is to soften the blow
So if anyone want to slap me for that I just join them :rofl:

I believe the road to hell is pave with good intentions

Since my intention good
But will get hell in return
Might as well enjoy hell for the heck of it
See I am nuts :rofl:
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Supersedeas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-21-06 11:33 AM
Response to Original message
8. Wow....wonder what the Bar Association thinks of this one?
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