's competitive labor costs ensure a sustained trade surplus and growing foreign exchange reserves for the next 20 years, a state statistics official said.
'A further appreciation of the yuan cannot resolve these issues,' National Bureau of Statistics spokesman Zheng Jingping said.
'The trade problems (between China and the United States) cannot be solved simply by letting the exchange rate rise or fall, and this has been proven by the trade relations between the U.S. and Japan,' Zheng said, pointing out that Japan continued to enjoy a trade surplus with the United States despite the sharp appreciation of the yen over the past three decades, the South China Morning Post reported Friday.
After announcing that China's economy grew 10.2 percent for the first quarter, Zheng described the accelerated growth rate as still normal.
'The reason for China's increasing trade surplus and foreign reserves,' Zheng said, 'was that China's external trade was dominated by the processing trade and many multinationals moved their production bases to China to capitalize on low labor costs.'
Competitive labor force you mean slave labor force...
I disagree China can't keep this up for 20 years Americans won't let it happen... your seeing the stirrings already...