Tin foil maybe, but it is interesting to read...
Scroll down to April 24, 10:03 PST (it's after all those news links listed in blue):
http://members.aol.com/deawatch/daily.htm Lotsa traffic between the Pentagon and the WH over Osama's tape. According to the fears being articulated... Osama has, apparently, told his minions that if Bush want's war he will have total war, and that because the American people voted for Bush they cannot be spared war. People in both buildings fear that Osama is telling his followers that he wants the time and space between attacks to shorten, and that attacks should speed up and occur in many places, one after another.
Several comments were made about the cable news stations refusing on their own authority to air the entire Osama messages. Some believe the entire messages should be aired so listerners around the world might detect words or references that could lead to finding Osama or one or more of his cells. Others are pitching the old line that Osama's tapes read like a DaVinci Code, laden with subliminal instructions. Hogwash! One refreshing POV expressed the public might want to sue the news station that refused to allow the public to prepare for an attack in their area. This same voice suggested that Rummy should direct Gonzo to sue the cable stations for charging viewers to watch the tax-funded "Pentagon Channel". She said, "We can't even get our own words out over our own cable channel because the greedy bastards who run the (cable) networks are charging customers to view a product that we give them for free! I thought that the primary reason why we set up the PC was to get our full sentences without the commercial and media filter chopping them up or slicing them out."
Bush is holding an NSC meeting to deal with the tape... problem is... it's the same old faces sitting at the table... none of which are any smarter or wiser than they were on 10 Sep 2001.
---(and the entry after it):
Thank you for embargoing the Osama and Rice stuff. We anticipated the tape to be released on Friday, as I promised you Sunday last that week would be significant, but because the tape arrival was leaked every clown reporter in town was staking out Al-Jezeera and preventing the courier from making her scheduled delivery.
As I noted Sunday last we take this tape very seriously. It would appear that Mr. Bin Laden's last offer of a truce was met with derision from CINC Bush so now Mr. Bin Laden will take his gloves off.
As I mentioned, the Iraqi military we are training and trusting is socked through and through with Al-Queda. Sure, they go through the motions for the small ops, but now that Mr. Bin Laden has declared all-out war we can expect his plants in our Coalition ranks will cause terrible discomfort for us.
You may also remove the embargo on Miss Rice's visit, wherein she interviewed and approved the committee's selection for PM. It will be disclosed this week that she ordered the govt here to withhold the announcement of her candidate for at least 72 hours after she had returned to DC and Mr. Straw back in London so that the selection would not appear as though they made the choice, much less knew who the chosen would be.